Lunada opens the gates to the fascinating world of the child and the world around them, making way for improvements to their cognitive and emotional abilities. This also uses experiential learning and a rich playing experience that promotes added-value.
Tours include general knowledge about the museum, reference about the games, specific information in each exhibition and free play time. All of the knowledge is passed on using the discovery and exploration technique to encourage curiosity within the children.
There is an option of building a multiple visitation continuum expand knowledge in a variety of fields:
Time Management and Planning: morning organization, days of the week, illustrate the time index, sorting and classification of foods according to food groups, exposure to a variety of textures and shapes.
Motion and group strength: a variety of games to excite thinking and imagination. The group will discover through experience the power of teamwork.
Orientation: experiential learning of directions (left and right), before and after, using a compass, developing capabilities and strengthening confidence of each child.
World of emotions: The individual’s place in the group. Learn about sharing emotions and the ability to listen to each member of the group. Expand knowledge of emotions through different feelings and learn about emotions in the animal world.
I’m Artistic: Introduction to the world of art through a number of mediums. Musical instruments in a group, exposure to different forms of art, and painting and creative arts projects.